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Culver City Little League



About the Programs We Offer

The Goal of Little League...

To help youngsters develop citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well being through sports.  To help youngsters learn their own strengths & weaknesses, the meanings of sportsmanship and cooperation, the essence of competition, and the qualities that constitute effective leadership.

Culver City Little League at Bill Botts Field is a non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to provide a safe, instructional and fun environment for the children of Culver City, California, ages 4-16. Chartered under the umbrella of Little League International, Inc, and Little League District 25 of Southern California, we share a mission to "to promote, develop, supervise, and voluntarily assist in all lawful ways, the interest of those who will participate in Little League Baseball and Softball."

Since 1957, Culver City Little League has been an anchor of the westside community. We are uniquely positioned as the only Little League sanctioned program for boys and girls in Culver City and neighboring communities.  Our non-profit organization operates as an all-volunteer program. We rely on the support of our network of families, local businesses, corporate and community sponsors. Through this outpouring of support, Culver City Little League continues this tradition and mission so that more than 500 boys and girls, ages 4-16, in six different divisions of baseball and softball programs can play every season.

Offered Baseball & Softball Programs

Spring Season:
Online registration:   Begins in mid-November
Evaluations/Tryouts:   Mid/Late-January
Teams Formed:                Mid-February
Games:                                 Early-March to late-May/early-June
[Participate in Little League based on residence or school location are in effect]
Fall Season:
Online registration:     Begins in mid-July
Teams Formed:               Early-September
Games:                                Mid-September to Mid-November
[No residence or school location requirements to participate]
Click here to determine your player's league age


  Tee-Ball for Boys and Girls: League Age 4 to 6 Year Olds 
Tee-Ball is for boys and girls who want to learn the fundamentals of throwing, hitting, fielding, sportsmanship and teamwork. A softer baseball is used during practices and games. In Tee-Ball, players learn how to hit a ball off a batting tee, running the bases and learning what the positions on the field are called. In our league's tee-ball program, players hit a ball off a batting tee to learn proper hitting mechanics for the first few games of the season. They are then introduced to coach pitch in the latter half. Players will receive "live" pitches to attempt to hit, but if unsuccessful, the Tee is brought back for reinforcement. Rules of the game may be varied to accommodate the need for teaching. The primary goals of Tee-Ball are to instruct children in the fundamentals of baseball and to allow them to experience the value of teamwork, therefore no scores or standings are kept. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but our league typically has rosters in the 12-15 range. Practices are held once per week, with most games occurring on weekends (Saturday or Sunday). Due to our limited field space, occasionally weeknight games may occur. The season generally comprises of approximately 12 games and no standings or scores are kept. The playing diamond used is a 60-foot diamond. By local option, a player who is league age 6 for the current season and has played a year in Tee-Ball may be "moved up" to the AA Coach-Pitch division. 
Read the ground rules here...

MINOR LEAGUE DIVISIONS (Composed of 7 to 11 Year Olds)

AA-Ball (Coach-Pitch) or Rookie (Machine-Pitch) for Boys and Girls: Mostly League Age 7 to 8 Year Olds
AA-Ball is for younger boys and girls with less experience. This division serves as our training ground for both boys & girls pursuing baseball, as well as girls preparing themselves for our girls softball division. In this program, coaches focus on throwing, fielding & hitting fundamentals and mechanics. During games, coaches live pitch up to 5-balls to every batter until a hit, 5-pitches or an out is recorded (AA-Ball) or use a manual machine-pitch machine (Rookie-Baseball). A softer baseball is used during practices and games. Our AA-Ball and Rookie (Machine-Pitch) Division program is typically for players league aged 7-8. EXCEPTION: Participants league age 6 are permitted are permitted to advance to the AA-Ball Coach-Pitch Division after participation in Tee-Ball for one year. By local option, some of the 9-year-olds could "play down" in the AA-Ball or Rookie (Machine-Pitch) division, and some of the 8-year-olds could "play up" in the Farm division. This decision is made entirely by the league's player agent and board of directors. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but our league typically has rosters in the 12-15 range. Practices are held once per week, with most games occurring on weekends (Saturday or Sunday). The season generally comprises of approximately 12 games and no standings or scores are kept. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond.

GIRLS participating in this division may also be invited to additional (optional) Coach-Pitch softball games.

Read the ground rules here...
Farm Baseball for Boys and Girls: Mostly League Age 8 to 9 Year Olds
Farm Baseball is for boys and girls with some experience playing baseball. It continues to be an instructional league and expands on pitching/catching fundamentals. This is the first time players are introduced to player pitching. The Farm Baseball (Player-Pitch) minor league program is typically for players ages 8-9. However, by local option, some of the 9-year-olds could "play down" in the AA-Ball Coach-Pitch or Rookie (Machine-Pitch) division, and some of the 8-year-olds could "play up" in the Minor division. This decision is made entirely by the league's player agent and board of directors. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but our league has rosters in the 12-15 range. Although this division operates with increased competitiveness, there is still a focus on personal development and encouragement. The season generally comprises of approximately 15-20 games and beginning with this division, standings and scores are kept. A post-season single and double-elimination format is offered to all teams. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 40 feet to support pitching development.
Read the ground rules here...
Minor Baseball for Boys and Girls: Mostly League Age 9 to 11 Year Olds 
Minor Baseball is for boys and girls with experience playing baseball. It continues to be an instructional league and further expands on pitching/catching and advanced playing techniques. Players continue to face player pitching. The Minor Baseball Division program is typically for players ages 9-11. However, by local option, some of the 9-year-olds could "play down" in the AA-Ball or Rookie (Machine-Pitch) or Farm division, and some of the 8-year-olds could "play up" in the Minor Division. This decision is made entirely by the league's player agent and board of directors. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but our league typically has rosters in the 12 player range that is brought about from a player draft. Although this division operates with increased competitiveness, there is still a focus on personal development and encouragement. The season generally comprises of approximately 15-20 games and standings and scores are kept. A post-season single and double-elimination playoff format is offered to all teams. The winning team may go on to represent Culver City Little League in the District 25 Tournament of Champions (TOC). Players in this division are also eligible to be selected to the 8-9-10 & 9-10-11 year olds Tournament Teams (or "All Stars") where they can experience tournament competition at the District, Sectional & State levels. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.
Read the ground rules here...

MAJOR & INTERMEDIATE LEAGUE DIVISIONS (Composed of 10 to 13 Year Olds)

  Major Baseball for Boys and Girls: League Age 10 to 12 Year Olds

The Little League Baseball Division (also known as the Major Division) is for boys and girls ages 10-12. A local league may choose to limit its Major Division to 10-, 11- and 12-year-olds, or 11-12-year-olds. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 46 feet.

While this division allows for more advanced levels of play and adoption of rules such as the "Dropped 3rd Strike," there are no lead offs in this division. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 20 players, but our league typically has rosters in the 12 player range that is brought about from a player draft. Although this division operates with increased competitiveness, there is still a focus on personal development and encouragement. The season generally comprises of approximately 15-20 games and standings and scores are kept. A post-season single and double-elimination playoff format is offered to all teams. The winning team may go on to represent Culver City Little League in the District 25 Tournament of Champions (TOC). 

The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 10-11-12-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament. 
The culmination of the International Tournament is the Little League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world and shown on ESPN. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.

Read the ground rules here...

Intermediate (50-70) Baseball for Boys and Girls: League Age 11 to 13 Year Olds
Intermediate Baseball, known as 50-70 Baseball in some circles, utilizes a modified baseball field using a 50-foot pitching distance and 70-foot base paths. This division is structured for league age 11-13 year olds and offers a more competitive level of baseball. Players learn advanced skills and follow rules that are closer to conventional baseball, such as leading off & stealing bases, pickoff attempts, balks, allowing an on deck batter, etc.

The Intermediate Division provides an opportunity for players to transition from the 46/60 field to a full sized 60/90 field. The season generally comprises of approximately 10-15 games and standings and scores are kept. A post-season single and double-elimination playoff format may offered to all teams. The winning team goes on to represent Culver City Little League in the District 25 Tournament of Champions (TOC). 

Players 11-13 years old in this division are eligible to be selected to the Intermediate Tournament Team (or "All Stars") which culminates in a World Series each year. 
Read the ground rules here...


(Composed of 13 to 16 Year Olds)

  Junior Baseball for Boys and Girls: League Age 13 to 14 Year Olds

**NOTE dependent on enrollment and interest.

The Junior League Baseball Division is a program for boys and girls ages 13-14 years old (15 year olds are allowed to play with District Administrator permission), using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. Modified diamond dimensions may be used during the regular season.

The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 12-14-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Senior League Division), and the team may enter the International Tournament.

The culmination of the International Tournament is the Junior League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.

Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this teenage division of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league.

  Senior Baseball for Boys and Girls: League Age 13 to 16 Year Olds 

**NOTE for the 2024 Season: CCLL is partnering with North Venice Little League.  Please sign-up directly with North Venice Little League.

The Senior League Baseball Division is for boys and girls 13-16 years old, using a conventional 90-foot diamond with a pitching distance of 60 feet, 6 inches. The Senior Baseball Division typically begins at the conclusion of the high school season (end of May/beginning of June).

The local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 13-16-year-olds from within this division (and/or from within the Junior League or Big League divisions), and the team may enter the International Tournament.

The culmination of the International Tournament is the Senior League Baseball World Series, featuring teams from around the world. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League International.

Parents are strongly encouraged to become involved in this teenage division of Little League. After completing a Little League volunteer application and passing a required national background check, parents may become involved in practices, and be eligible as coaches, managers, umpires, local league board members and other volunteer positions within the league. 



  Girls Rookie Coach-Pitch Softball: League Age 5 to 8 year olds
The Girls Coach-Pitch Softball program serves as a softball training ground for young girls with little to no experience. Our Rookie Coach-Pitch softball program consists of players ages 5-8. This division is operated as Coach-Pitch softball the entire season with possible introduction to player pitch development as the season progresses. In this program, coaches focus on throwing, fielding, hitting & pitching fundamentals and mechanics. Rosters may be composed of between 10 and 12 players.  The ball used is an 11" soft softball and the diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 35 feet. The season is generally comprised of approximately 16 league and inter-league games, but standings and scores are not kept. A post-season playoff format may be offered. Aside from teaching the sport of softball, Little League prides itself on strengthening the self-esteem of its participants, and promoting teamwork and sportsmanship.

Girls Minor League Softball: League Age 8 to 10 year olds
The Girls Minor League Softball program serves as a softball training ground for young girls with developing softball skills. Our minor league softball system consists of players ages 8-10 years old, with some beginning 11 year olds. In this program, coaches focus on throwing, fielding, hitting & pitching fundamentals and mechanics. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 14 players. This division is operated as a player pitch division.  The ball used is an 11" softball and the diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 35 feet. The season is generally comprised of approximately 20 league and inter-league games. A post-season playoff is offered to all teams. The winning team goes on to represent Culver City Little League in the District 25 Tournament of Champions (TOC). Our local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 8 to 10-year-olds. Players participating on a tournament team are provided the opportunity to participate in a softball tournament at the District, Sectional & State levels at the conclusion of the regular season.  Aside from teaching the sport of softball, Little League prides itself on strengthening the self-esteem of its participants, and promoting teamwork and sportsmanship.

Girls Little League Softball (or the Major Division): League Age 11 to 12 year olds
The Girls Little League Softball Division (sometimes known as the Major Division) is for girls ages 11-12 with more softball experience. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 40 feet. This division is operated as a player pitch division and a 12" softball is used. In this advanced program, coaches continue to focus on throwing, fielding, hitting & pitching fundamentals and mechanics. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 14 players.  The season is generally comprised of approximately 25 league and inter-league games, and standings and scores are kept. The winning team goes on to represent Culver City Little League in the District 25 Tournament of Champions (TOC). Our local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 10-12-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Girls Little League Softball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League Softball. Aside from teaching the sport of softball, Little League prides itself on strengthening the self-esteem of its participants, and promoting teamwork and sportsmanship.

   Girls Junior League Softball : League Age 13 to 14 year olds

The Girls Junior League Softball Division is for girls ages 13-14 with more softball experience. The diamond used is a 60-foot diamond and the pitching distance is 43 feet. This division is operated as a player pitch division and a 12" softball is used. In this advanced program, coaches continue to focus on throwing, fielding, hitting & pitching fundamentals and mechanics. Rosters may be composed of between 12 and 14 players. The season generally comprises of approximately 25 league and inter-league games, and standings and scores are kept. The winning team goes on to represent Culver City Little League in the District 25 Tournament of Champions (TOC). Our local league has an option to choose a Tournament Team (or "All Stars") of 13 to 14-year-olds from within this division, and the team may enter the International Tournament. The culmination of the International Tournament is the Girls Junior League Softball World Series, featuring teams from around the globe. All expenses for the teams advancing to the World Series (travel, meals and housing) are paid by Little League Softball. Aside from teaching the sport of softball, Little League prides itself on strengthening the self-esteem of its participants, and promoting teamwork and sportsmanship.

If you have questions or special requests, please email us at [email protected].

Where else to find us

Contact Us

Correspondence Address:

Culver City Little League, Inc
P. O. Box 189
Culver City, CA  90232-0189

Email: [email protected]

Playing Fields Address:

Bill Botts Field @ Culver City Park
9800 Jefferson Blvd (@ Duquesne Ave)
Culver City, CA  90232


Where else to find us

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