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Culver City Little League

Parent Orientation Program

As the parent or family member of a Little Leaguer, you are committed to making your child's sports experience as rewarding as possible.  Little League Baseball and Softball offers some tips on participating as a volunteer in our local league, as well as ways you can help develop the concepts of character, courage and loyalty in your Little Leaguer.

Please click on the menu items below to review Little League's suggestions.

Parent and family engagement as a volunteer is essential for a successful season.  Submit your New or Returning Volunteer application with a copy of requested document(s) to:  [email protected]

Note: a volunteer application must be submitted and the volunteer cleared each year to serve in any volunteer role for games and practices.

Parent/Volunteer Pledge

  • I will teach all children to play fair and do their best.
  • I will positively support all managers, coaches and players.
  • I will respect the decisions of the umpires.
  • I will praise a good effort despite the outcome of the game.
  • Team Personnel Listing

    Register Now

    No Programs are Currently Displayed

    There are no programs available at the moment. Please contact your club administrator with any questions.

    Team Parent

    Thank you for volunteering to be a Team Parent.  If you should have any questions or suggestions, please contact us at [email protected].

    50/50 RAFFLE (GAME DAY) -- The Team Parent (or designee) of the Visiting (Away) Team obtains the 50-50 raffle bucket and raffle tickets from the Snack Bar at the start of each game.  Each ticket is $1 and the team parent or designee solicits spectators (home and away) at the field your team is playing.  At the 30 minute mark for T-Ball, or the 3rd inning for other divisions, the visiting team selects the winning ticket by selecting one of the tickets.  Announce the number of the winning ticket by walking around the home and visitor spectator area, or if the announcement booth on Field 1 or 2 are being used, have the announcer announce the winning ticket.  The winner receives half of the total collection for that game, and the other half goes to support Culver City Little League.

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